August 2019
The Lab attended and presented at the 2019 International Society of Biomechanics Congress in Calgary, Canada.
August 2019
Isaac Loegering graduated with his M.S. in Biomedical Engineering
and started a position at Brooks. Congratulations, Isaac!
August 2019
Congratulations to
Jack Martin, who successfully defended his
PhD Thesis in Materials Science. His work was titled
"Non-Invasive Measurement of Tendon Stress based on Shear Wave Propagation Speed."
July 2019
Jared Muench started medical school at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Congratulations, Jared!
May 2019
Samuel Acuña graduated with his Doctorate of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering. His dissertation was titled 'Altered Neuromuscular Control of Gait Following Traumatic Brain Injury and Targeted Neuromodulation to Improve Motor Function.' Samuel has since moved to Dallas, TX and started a postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Yasin Dhaher at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Congratulations, Samuel!
April 2019
Ana Ebrahimi and Christa Wille led efforts to bring The Perry Initiative's outreach program to Madison, WI. Medical students and high school students from across southern Wisconsin attended this event where they heard from practicing orthopedic surgeons and engineers and tried their hands at several surgical techniques, including spinal fusion, bone drilling, and suturing. Ebrahimi and Wille were featured in an article posted to the UW-Madison College of Engineering News and Events page for this event. Photos for the high school and the medical school outreach events can be found on The Perry Initiative's Facebook page.
April 2019
As part of UW-Madison's Engineering EXPO and in celebration of National Biomechanics Day, members of the UW biomechanics community came together to share their love of biomechanics with people of all ages through their exhibit, The Human Machine, which included a variety of interactive demonstrations. Undergraduate Alex Teague was featured in an article posted to the UW-Madison news page for his Robo Claw demonstration.
April 2019
Ana Ebrahimi won the Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award at the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 2019 annual meeting in Frisco, TX for her work entitled "Older Adults Exhibit Diminished Achilles Tendon Shear Wave Speeds Across a Range of Walking Speeds."
August 2018
Congratulations to
Jack Martin for winning the Turnbull Outstanding Research Paper Award from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
August 2018
Congratulations to
Mike Vignos, who successfully defended his
PhD Thesis in Mechanical Engineering. His work was titled
"Longitudinal Investigation of In Vivo Tibiofemoral Kinematics, Cartilage Contact, and Cartilage Composition Prior to and following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction."
August 2018
UWNMBL welcomes new lab members! New members include graduate students
Jonathon Blank,
Sara Harper, and
Eli Dawson.
August 2018
Samuel Acuña, Ana Ebrahimi, Isaac Loegering, Jack Martin, Robin Pomeroy, Josh Roth, Dylan Schmitz, Darryl Thelen, and Mike Vignos attended the 2018 American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting in Rochester, Minnesota. Dylan Schmitz and Isaac Loegering won the scavenger hunt and Isaac Loegering won the 5k Fun Run.
August 2018
Jack Martin won the
American Society of Biomechanics
Young Scientist Pre-Doctoral Award
for his work on "In situ calibration of the tendon shear wave speed-stress relationship."
July 2018
Samuel Acuña, Ana Ebrahimi, Jack Martin, Joshua Roth, Mike Vignos, and Darryl Thelen attended the 8th World Congress of Biomechanics in Dublin, Ireland.
July 2018
Samuel Acuña presented his work on 'Walking with visual perturbations but not an attention-dividing task modulated muscle coactivation patterns in older adults' at the 2018 International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology Congress in Dublin, Ireland.
June 2018
Congratulations to
Emily Keuler, who successfully defended her
MS Thesis in Mechanical Engineering. Her work was titled
"The Assessment and Application of a Shear Wave Tensiometer on the Achilles Tendon."
May 2018
Darryl Thelen gave a presentation on 'A noninvasive sensor of tendon loading during dynamic movement' at the 7th Motor Control Symposium held at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Minneapolis, MN.
May 2018
Darryl Thelen gave a keynote lecture on 'Imaging of in vivo tissue mechanics during movement' at the 6th Brazilian Meeting of Biomechanical Engineering in Sau Paulo, Brazil.
May 2018
Jared Muench begins work as a research intern at the UW NMBL.
April 2018
The UW NMBL, led by Jack Martin and Darryl Thelen, published "Gauging Force by Tapping Tendons" in Nature Communications. The article describes an exciting new technology, shear wave tensiometry, that can track tendon loading during dynamic movement such as walking and running. In addition to the open access paper, please see this video describing the technology.
April 2018
UWNMBL welcomes postdoctoral fellow Ana Ebrahimi to the research team. Ana recently graduated with her PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Delaware. Her research interests are in understanding the mechanics of how humans walk with a gait disorder, such as Cerebral Palsy.
March 2018
UWNMBL welcomes research specialist Robin Pomeroy to the research team. Robin previously earned her MS in kinesiology at UW-Milwaukee and worked at Shriner's Hospital in Sacramento prior to moving to Madison.
March 2018
Darryl Thelen, Josh Roth, and collaborator, Dr. Matt Squire, were awarded a research grant from NIH-NIBIB
to investigate the 'Intraoperative Measurement of Ligament Tension to Guide Knee Arthoplasty.'
December 2017
Colin Smith graduated with his Doctorate of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering. His dissertation was titled 'Simulation based insights to improve treatments to reduce osteoarthritis incidence following ACL injury.' Colin has since moved to Zurich and started a postdoctoral fellowship at ETH under the Whitaker International Scholar program. Congratulations, Colin!
October 2017
Joshua Roth won the UW-Madison Institute on Aging
New Investigator Award for his work on 'Improving Knee Function in Older Adults Undergoing Total
Knee Replacement Using Biomechanical Knee Models.'
September 2017
Darryl Thelen, along with Prof. Matt Allen and collaborators at
Gillette Children's - Specialty Healthcare
and the VA Puget Sound Health Care System,
were awarded a five-year grant from NIH-NICHD
to investigate the 'Noninvasive assessment of in vivo tissue loads to enhance the treatment of gait disorders'
September 2017
UWNMBL welcomes graduate student Dylan Schmitz!
August 2017
Mike Vignos won the
American Society of Biomechanics
Clinical Biomechanics Award
for his work on 'ACL-Reconstruction Graft Geometry is Associated with Asymmetric In Vivo Cartilage Contact Patterns.'
August 2017
Colin Smith won the
American Society of Biomechanics
Young Scientist Pre-Doctoral Award
for his work on "Simulated ACL and menisci deficiency predicts altered knee mechanics during walking."
July 2017
Scott Brandon started a new position as an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the
University of Guelph
in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Good luck Scott!
June 2017
Undergraduate Isaac Loegering was featured on the College of Engineering website.
June 2017
Darryl Thelen was appointed the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs in the
UW College of Engineering.
May 2017
Samuel Acuña won the
Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award for the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society
for his work on 'Muscle activation patterns during walking are correlated to clinical gait assessments after traumatic brain injury.'
May 2017
Alex Ehlers graduated with his Master's of Science Degree in
Biomedical Engineering,
finishing a five year run in the lab after starting as an undergraduate researcher. Good Luck Alex!
May 2017
Mike Vignos passed his PhD preliminary examination in
mechanical engineering for his proposed research on "Longitudinal investigation of altered knee mechanics and cartilage health following ACL-injury and reconstruction."
April 2017
The 'Human Machine' exhibit at the 2017
UW Engineering Expo
was awarded 'Best Graduate Student Exhibit' by the Expo orgranizers and recognized for 'Greatest Impact' by the
National Biomechanics Day
April 2017
Jack Martin successfully passed his Research Readiness Exam (RRE) as a PhD candidate in the UW
Materials Science Program.
January 2017
Moria Bittman started as a Program Officer at the
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Good luck Moria!
June 2016
Colin Smith passed his PhD preliminary examination in
mechanical engineering
for his proposed research on 'Simulation based insight to improve treatments to reduce osteoarthritis incidence following ACL injury.'
June 2016
Jack Martin was awarded 3rd place in the Tissue Mechanics and Modeling PhD Paper Competition at the 2016
Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference
(SB3C) held at National Harbor, Maryland.
April 2016
Jared Muench was awarded a
Wisconsin Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowship
for his research on "Strain distribution patterns leading to tear propagation in damaged fascicles."
September 2015
Carrie Francis presented a poster "Keeping our Balance: Aging, Attention, and the Importance of Visual Feedback" at the
UW-Madison Institute on Aging's 27th Annual Colloquium
September 2015
Colin Smith,
Mike Vignos and
Jack Martin presented at the
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2015
conference in Montreal, Canada.
Colin won first place in the
McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health Trainee
competition for his presentation "The Effect of Ligament Properties on Tibiofemoral Kinematics and Contact Pressure during Gait!"
Mike presented his work on an "Automated Method for Discretizing Ligaments in Musculoskeletal Simulation Models."
Jack presented his study titled "Tendon Shear Wave Speed is Dependent on Tissue Elasticity and Axial Stress."
Colin and
Mike also presented "Enhanced Static Optimization: A Simulation Framework for Predicting Knee Mechanics during Movement" at the
3rd International Workshop on Biomechanical and Parametric Modeling of Human Anatomy (PMHA)
premeeting to CMBBE.
August 2015
The lab had a great showing at the
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics
Jarred Kaiser won the
Clinical Biomechanics Award
for his study "MRI Assessments of Cartilage Mechanics, Morphology and Composition Following ACL-Reconstruction Surgery."
Rachel Lenhart won the
Young Scientist Pre-Doctoral Award
for her work on "Simulating the Effects of Crouch Gait Surgeries on Knee Mechanics."
Former Post-doc
Jason Franz won the
Young Scientist Post-Doctoral Award
for his presentation on "Achilles Tendon Deformations and the Age-Related Reduction in Plantarflexor Performance during Walking."
Carrie Francis,
Mike Vignos,
Colin Smith, and
Kristen Rasske also presented their research at the conference.
Great job everyone!
July 2015
Congratulations to
Colin Smith who attended the
International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics
in Edinburgh, Scotland
and won the
Andrzej Komor New Investigator Award. Colin presented his work titled "A Variable Cartilage Property Formulation of the Elastic Foundation Model
to Predict Contact Pressures during Walking."
June 2015
Dr. Darryl Thelen and
Colin Smith attended the
Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference
in Snowbird, Utah. Colin presented his work on "The Influence of Cartilage Morphology and Elasticity on TibioFemoral Contact Pressures During Walking."
June 2015
Dr. Darryl Thelen was recently named a
Harvey D. Spangler Professor
in the College of Engineering. Darryl was one of three professors in the College to be named to this chaired position. Congrats Dr. Thelen!
May 2015
Congratulations to May 2015 UWNMBL Graduates:
Christa Wille (Doctor of Physical Therapy),
Michael Schmidt (MS Biomedical Engineering),
Megan Courtney (BS Biomedical Engineering),
Erik Crook (BS Mechanical Engineering), and
Brett Parendo (BS Mechanical Engineering).
May 2015
Congratulations to
Rachel Lenhart, who successfully defended her
PhD Thesis in Biomedical Engineering. Her work was titled
"Influence of Surgery on Musculoskeletal Mechanics in Children with Crouch Gait."
April 2015
UWNMBL participated in
Engineering Expo 2015. Our exhibit,
Engineering the Superhuman
, won
second place in the Mixed Group Category. Good work everyone!
April 2015
Congratulations to
Colin Smith who received a Summer Grant from the
Whitaker International Program
. He will be traveling to Leuven, Belgium to work with Dr. Ilse Jonkers on "Development of Rehabilitation Protocol after Cartilage Lesions using Multiscale Musculoskeletal Modeling."
March 2015
Jack Martin and
Mike Vignos were both awarded
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. Congrats Jack and Mike!
March 2015
Dr. Thelen,
Colin Smith, and
Jarred Kaiser attended the
Orthopedic Research Society
conference in Las Vegas. Colin presented his work on the modeling of cartilage thickness, and Jarred presented his work on altered knee mechanics in ACL reconstructed patients.
March 2015
Colin Smith,
Rachel Lenhart, and
Mike Vignos attended an
OpenSim Advanced User Workshop
at Stanford University. They began work on their project titled 'Simultaneous Prediction of Knee Ligament Loads, Muscle Forces, and Cartilage Contact Pressure during Movement.'
March 2015
Congratulations to
Rachel Lenhart for being awarded the Dr. Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award and the Best Podium Award at the recent meeting of the
Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society
in Portland, Oregon. Her work was titled "Influence of patella alta and crouch on patellofemoral cartilage contact pressure."
February 2015
Congratulations to
Dr. Jason Franz, who will join the faculty of the University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University. He will start this summer as an Assistant Professor in their Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering.
January 2015
UWNMBL welcomes new lab members! New members include undergraduates
Nicholas Mauer and
James Hermus.
December 2014
Congratulations to December 2014 UWNMBL Graduates:
Holly Schoenberg (MS Biomedical Engineering),
Stephen Young (MS Biomedical Engineering),
Taylor Lamberty (BS Biomedical Engineering), and
Kristen Rasske (BS Biomedical Engineering).
December 2014
Congratulations to
Christa Wille for receiving the
2015 Outstanding Student Award from the Sports Physical Therapy Section of the
American Physical Therapy Association
. This award recognizes achievements as a physical therapy student and future promise to sports physical therapy.
November 2014
Jarred Kaiser successfully completed his
preliminary exam
in Mechanical Engineering. His proposal was titled "Using Dynamic MRI to Link Altered Knee Mechanics Following ACL Injury and Repair to Early Signs of Osteoarthritis." Congrats Jarred!
November 2014
Samuel Acuña attended the
Opportunities in Engineering Annual Conference
at UW-Madison, sponsored by the Graduate Engineering Research Scholars. He presented his work entitled "Modeling Based Analysis of Trapezial-Metacarpal Joint to Reduce Osteoarthritis."
November 2014
UWNMBL participated in
Expanding Your Horizons, a program meant to help middle school girls explore careers in math and science. More information about Expanding Your Horizons can be found
October 2014
Badger Athletic Performance presented at the
Wisconsin Science Festival hosted by the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery on October 19th. The presentation focused on the kinetics of running and jumping.
September 2014
Congratulations to
Brett Parendo, who was awarded a
Faustin Prinz Research Fellowship for the 2014-15 academic year. He will be working on the
Redesign of a Motion Phantom used for Dynamic MR Imaging Accuracy Assessment
September 2014
UWNMBL welcomes new lab members! New members include graduate student
Mike Vignos and undergraduates
Brett Parendo and
Erik Crook.
August 2014
UWNMBL presented at
Saturday Science at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery! Members of the community were able to learn about "The Biomechanics of Aging" through an interactive display and by talking with lab members. Special thanks to
Jason Franz and
Carrie Francis for their hard work. You can find more information on Saturday Science at Discovery
July 2014
Rachel Lenhart was awarded an
NIH F30 Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases! Her work will investigate the effects of surgery on knee mechanics in children with crouch gait.
July 2014
UWNMBL traveled to the
World Congress of Biomechanics in Boston! Darryl, Joe, Liz, Laura, Jason, Carrie, Jarred, Rachel, Colin, Jack, Alex, and Kristen all attended and presented their work. They even got to meet up with UWNMBL alumni Bel Orselli, Anne Schmitz, Amy Lenz, Amy Silder, and Antonio Hernandez.
June 2014
Congratulations to
Rachel Lenhart for being awarded the Dr. Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award and the Best Podium Award at the recent meeting of the
Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society
in Newark, Delaware. Her work was titled "Simulation of knee cartilage contact pressure in crouch gait."
June 2014
Jason Franz attended the
U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
in East Lansing, MI. He presented his work entitled "Advanced age brings a reliance on visual feedback to control balance during walking."
May 2014
Congratulations to May 2014 UWNMBL Graduates:
Charles Donaldson (MS Biomedical Engineering),
Albert Wang (MS Biomedical Engineering),
Kyle Jamar (BS Biomedical Engineering),
Arezu Monawer (BS Mechanical Engineering), and
Michael Schmidt (BS Biomedical Engineering).
May 2014
Kwang Won Choi successfully defended his
PhD Thesis in Mechanical Engineering. His work was titled
"Computational Approaches for Segmenting Cartilage Morphology and Simulating Knee Joint Contact Pressure during Human Walking."
Congrats Kwang!
April 2014
Congratulations to
Carrie Francis who passed her
Preliminary Exam
in Biomedical Engineering. Carries's project proposal is titled "Cranial Nerve Noninvasive Neuromodulation to Enhance Gait and Balance in Older Adults."
April 2014
Congratulations to
Laura Slane who successfully defended her
PhD Thesis in Biomedical Engineering.
Her work was titled
"Achilles tendon elasticity and deformation patterns in young and middle-aged adults evaluated using quantitative ultrasound approaches."
April 2014
Congratulations to
Stephanie O'Leary who was awarded a
2014-2015 Wisconsin Hilldale Undergraduate Fellowship. The title of her proposed reaserch is
"Cadaver-based Modeling of Improved Tendon Transfer Procedure to Restore Grasp following Spinal Cord Injury."
January 2014
UWNMBL welcomes new lab members! New members include graduate students
Colin Smith and
Steve Young.
January 2014
Laura Slane was awarded the
Young Scientist Pre-Doctoral Award from the
American Society of Biomechanics
. Laura will be presented with the award at the July World Congress of Biomechanics meeting in Boston.
December 2013
Laura Slane was awarded an
International Research Travel Grant from the
Vilas Fund
. Laura used this funding to support travel to Nantes, France where she performed research using advanced ultrasound methods.
October 2013
Dr. Darryl Thelen was named a
fellow of the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. In awarding the honor, ASME cited Dr. Thelen's fundamental research in neuromuscular biomechanics and contributing to knowledge on the effects that age, injury, and disease have on musculoskeletal performance.
October 2013
Rachel Lenhart attended the
American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine meeting in Milwaukee. Rachel presented her research titled
"Optimal Patellar Position Varies for Different Walking Postures."
September 2013
UWNMBL welcomed new lab members! New members include
Samuel Acuña,
Kevin Biese,
Erin Jamar,
Krista Marshall,
Jack Martin,
Eric Simpraphone,
Karina Vargas, and
Albert Wang. We also welcomed
Maria Isabel V. Orselli who is visiting for the semester from Sao Paulo, Brazil. See our
members page for their profiles.
September 2013
Congratulations to
Carrie Francis who was awarded an
NIH F31 Pre-Doctoral Fellowship! The title of her proposal is "Cranial Nerve Noninvasive Neuromodulation to Enhance Gait and Balance- Old Adults."
September 2013
UWNMBL attended ASB 2013!
Dr. Thelen,
Carrie Francis and
Jason Franz attended the meeting in Omaha, Nebraska.
August 2013
Congratulations to
Dr. Darryl Thelen for being named the
President-Elect of the
American Society of Biomechanics.
Dr. Thelen previously served as ASB Program Chair in 2010.
August 2013
Congratulations to
Jason Franz who was just awarded the
2013 UW-Madison Institute on Aging New Investigator Award.
Jason's project is titled "Preserving Walking Ability with Age: From Biomechanical Insight to Evidence-Based Intervention."
August 2013
Rachel Lenhart and
Laura Slane attended the
International Society of Biomechanics
conference in Natal, Brazil. Rachel and Laura presented their work on the optimal patellar position in crouch gait and the ultrasound evaluation of tendon mechanics respectively.
July 2013
Congratulations to
Dr. Bryan Heiderscheit, who was recently elected to the
Executive Committee of the
Sports Physical Therapy Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. The three year term will run through 2016.
July 2013
Congratulations to
Dr. Joseph Towles who was recently awarded a Pilot Grant from the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
July 2013
The UWNMBL Runners' Clinic, led by
Dr. Bryan Heiderscheit, was featured in the New York Times! Read the article
here, and learn more about the UW Runners' Clinic
June 2013
Congratulations to UWNMBL for taking
First Place in the
Grand Challenge Competition to Predict In Vivo Knee Loads! UWNMBL was awarded their prize at the ASME SBC. Check out more information on the Grand Challenge
June 2013
UWNMBL attended
ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference
in Sunriver, Oregon.
Kwang and
Dr. Thelen presented research.
June 2013
Congratulations to
Christa Wille for being awarded
first place in the Student Poster Presentations at the Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association annual spring meeting in Oconomowoc, WI. Christa's poster described the use of a web-based therapeutic resource center as a treatment for knee osteoarthritis.
May 2013
UWNMBL attended
ACSM 2013!
Laura Chernak,
Rachel Lenhart,
Jen Sanfilippo and
Christa Wille presented their research at the conference, and
Dr. Darryl Thelen gave a keynote lecture on musculoskeletal modeling.
May 2013
Congratulations to May 2013 UWNMBL Graduates:
Rachel Lenhart (MS Mechanical Engineering),
Tanner Marshall (MS Biomedical Engineering),
Taylor Powers (MS Biomedical Engineering), and
Dan Volk (BS Mechanical Engineering).
May 2013
Rachel Lenhart attended
GCMAS 2013 in Cincinnati, where she met up with UWNMBL Alumna
Amy Lenz. Rachel presented her project,
"Patellar Position Effects on the Knee Extensor Mechanism."
The conference also marked the start of her new role as student representative to the GCMAS executive board.
May 2013
Congratulations to
Jason Franz for being awarded an
F32 Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the NIH. The title of his proposal is
"Mechanics of the Aging Achilles Tendon with Implications for Walking
May 2013
Arezu Monawer was awarded the
Best Oral Presentation at the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Research and Design Symposium. The title of her talk was
"Redesign and Fabrication of a MR compatible Loading Device to Assess Injury and Surgically Induced Changes in Knee Mechanics."
Congrats Arezu!
May 2013
Congratulations to
Rachel Lenhart and
Laura Chernak who were both recognized with awards from the American College of Sports Medicine Biomechanics Interest Group. Rachel was awarded a
Student Research Award
and Laura was awarded a
Student Travel Award
. Both Rachel and Laura will be presenting their work at the upcoming ACSM Conference in Indianapolis later in May.
April 2013
UWNMBL participated in Engineering Expo 2013, and was awarded third place overall for the exhibit titled
The Body Machine
. Special thanks to
Jarred Kaiser and
Rachel Lenhart for their hard work organizing our exhibit. Check out some pictures from the exhibit
April 2013
Congratulations to
Rachel Lenhart who passed her
Preliminary Exam
in biomedical engineering. Rachel's project proposal is titled "Influence of Surgery on Musculoskeletal Mechanics in Children with Crouch Gait." Rachel also recently earned her
Certificate in Global Health
as a part of her degree.
February 2013
Rachel Lenhart was awarded a
Matching Dissertation Grant from the International Society of Biomechanics! The title of her grant proposal is
"Distal Femoral Extension Osteotomy and Patellar Tendon Advancement for the Treatment of Crouch Gait."
January 2013
UWNMBL attended the
American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting in San Diego, California.
Dr. Heiderscheit,
Liz Chumanov,
Evan Nelson, and
Christa Wille presented their work. Liz was recognized for her poster titled
"Pelvic Motion During Running is Increased During and Post Pregnancy."
Congrats Liz! See her award
January 2013
Jarred Kaiser presented an abstract at the annual meeting for the Orthopaedic Research Society in San Antonio, TX. The title of his abstract was
"Is the Contralateral Knee a Valid Reference When Quantitatively Assessing Secondary Knee Kinematics?"
January 2013
UWNMBL welcomes new members into the lab! New members include research associate
Jason Franz and undergraduate researchers
Megan Courtney and
Michael Scherer. See our
members page
for the new member profiles!
January 2013
Congratulations to
Jarred Kaiser for successfully passing his
PhD Qualifying Exams in Mechanical Engineering!
December 2012
Congratulations to December 2012 UWNMBL Graduate
Carrie Francis who earned her
Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering.
November 2012
Congratulations to
Anne Schmitz who successfully defended her
PhD Thesis in Biomedical Engineering Engineering! Her thesis was titled
"The importance of including knee joint laxity in dynamic musculoskeletal simulations of movement."
November 2012
UWNMBL was awarded pilot funding from the
UW Sports Medicine Classic Fund for a study investigating the use of Shear Wave Elastography in characterizing myofascial trigger points. This project is a collaboration with Dr. Patrick Grabowski from the department of Sports Rehabilitation.
September 2012
Dr. Thelen, along with collaborators in Medical Physics, Radiology and Orthopedics, were awarded a two-year grant from NIH-NIAMS to develop new imaging techniques to investigate cartilage contact and early signs of osteoarthritis following knee surgery (see our
research page
for more information).
September 2012
UWNMBL welcomes new members into the lab! New members include:
Lindy Couwenhoven,
Alex Ehlers,
Tanner Marshall,
Arezu Monawer,
Taylor Powers and
Michael Schmidt. See our
members page
for their profiles!
September 2012
Congratulations to
Laura Chernak who was awarded an
NIH F31 Pre-Doctoral Fellowship. The focus of her fellowship will be on the use of ultrasound in the evaluation of Achilles tendon mechanics in aging adults.
August 2012
UWNMBL attended
ASB 2012! Attendees included
Dr. Thelen,
Laura Chernak,
Jarred Kaiser,
Rachel Lenhart, and
Anne Schmitz.
July 2012
Congratulations to
Liz Chumanov for passing her Physical Therapy Boards! Liz completed her
Doctor of Physical Therapy
degree in May.
June 2012
Dave Bunger successfully defended his
Master's Thesis in Mechanical Engineering. His thesis was titled
"Dynamic loading device for imaging of plantarflexor and Achilles tendon tissue deformation."
Congrats Dave!
June 2012
Congratulations to
Jarred Kaiser who successfully defended his
Master's Thesis in Mechanical Engineering. The title of his thesis was
"3D Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Knee Mechanics."
May 2012
Congratulations to May 2012 UWNMBL Graduates:
Chuck Donaldson (BS Biomedical Engineering),
Emily Headley (BS Biology),
Rachel Lenhart (MS Biomedical Engineering),
Paul Milbaier (MS Mechanical Engineering), and
Christa Wille (BS Biomedical Engineering).
May 2012
Rachel Lenhart presented her research on the
"Influence of Musculoskeletal Geometry on Model-Based Predictions of Plantarflexor Function during Gait"
at the Gait and Clinical Movement Society annual conference in Grand Rapids, MI. She received a travel grant to cover her expenses. While there, she met up with Dr. Thelen and UWNMBL alumna Amy Lenz!
May 2012
Congratulations to
Arezu Monawer who was awarded the
Faustin Prinz Undergraduate Research Fellowship
from the Mechanical Engineering Department! Arezu will be using Dynamic MRI to investigate knee kinematics in UW athletes.
May 2012
Daniel Volk received an award for Best Idea at the
UW Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Research Symposium
for his research developing a novel ultrasound phantom of tendon.
April 2012
Congratulations to
Jarred Kaiser and
Rachel Lenhart who were both awarded the
Alexander Cowie Fellowship
from the Department of Mechanical Engineering to support their Graduate Research!
April 2012
Carrie Francis presented her research at the
Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting for the American Society of Biomechanics
in Boise, Idaho. Her talk was titled "The Effects of Cranial Nerve Non-Invasive Neuromodulation Training on Step Width Variability in Healthy Adults."
April 2012
Congratulations to
Rachel Lenhart for successfully passing her
PhD Qualifying Exams in Biomedical Engineering!
April 2012
Laura Chernak presented her research on nonuniform motion in the Achilles tendon at the
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
conference in Berlin. Laura was awarded student grants to support her travel.
February 2012
Rachel Lenhart was awarded the
Collaborative Research Travel Grant from the
Burroughs Wellcome Fund. Rachel proposed using the funds to evaluate the biomechanical implications of the surgical correction of crouch gait, and is planning on collaborating with the
Gillette Children's Hospital in St. Paul, MN
February 2012
Laura Chernak was awarded a
Matching Dissertation Grant from the
International Society of Biomechanics for a proposal on the use of ultrasound elastography to evaluate strain patterns in tendon.
January 2012
Laura Chernak passed her
PhD Preliminary Exam in
Biomedical Engineering. Her proposed thesis is titled
"Ultrasonic Evaluation of the effects of Aging on the Mechanical Properties of Tendon."
December 2011
Jon Mantes successfully defended his
Master's Thesis in Mechanical Engineering. The title of his thesis is
"The Development of a Knee Motion Phantom to Validate a 3D Dynamic MRI Processing Sequence."
August 2011
Congrats to
Kwang Won Choi for successfully passing his
PhD Qualifying Exam in
Mechanical Engineering!
August 2011
Jen Sanfilippo successfully defended her
Master's Thesis in Biomedical Engineering. Jen has accepted a job with the UW Athletics Department.
August 2011
Rachel Lenhart and
Laura Chernak presented at the American Society of Biomechanics 2011 Conference in Long Beach, CA. While at the conference they met up with
Dr. Thelen and UWNMBL alumni
Amy Lenz and
Amy Silder.
June 2011
Kayt Frisch successfully defended her
PhD Thesis in Biomedical Engineering. The title of her thesis was
"Measuring Regional Changes in Damaged Tendon."
June 2011
Laura Chernak presented her research,
"The use of ultrasound elastography to assess regional variations in tendon strain,"
at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Summer Bioengineering Conference in Farmington, PA.
June 2011
Jen Sanfilippo presented
"Strength deficits exist at time of return to sport following hamstring strain injury"
at the American College of Sports Medicine annual conference in Denver, CO. She was among a few selected to present at a special evening Clinical Reception.
June 2011
Rob Bradford successfully defended his
Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. The title of his thesis was
"Functional Bilateral Kinematic Symmetry of the Healthy Human Knee Measured by Dynamic MRI."
June 2011
Daniel Volk was awarded the
Faustin Prinz Undergraduate Research Fellowship
from the Mechanical Engineering department based on his academic achievement and research proposal to design an ultrasound phantom.
May 2011
Congratulations to NMBL May 2011 Graduate:
Laura Chernak (MS Biomedical Engineering).
May 2011
Carrie Francis presented on the
"Modulation of Forward Propulsion, Support and Center of Pressure via Gastrocnemius Stimulation During Gait"
at the Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Society annual conference in Washington, DC. She was also awarded a student scholarship to cover travel to the conference.
May 2011
Laura Chernak was awarded an
ASB Grant-in-Aid for her proposal entitled
"Dynamic Imaging of in vivo Tendon Mechanics using Ultrasound Elastography."
May 2011
Rob Bradford presented at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine meeting in Montreal, Canada. The title of his presentation was
"Dynamic Imaging of 3D Knee Kinematics using PC-VIPR and SPGR-VIPR."
April 2011
Joe Collins won the
student poster competition at the Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association Spring Conference. The title of his poster was
"The Influence of Sport and Prior Injury on Performance of the Star Excursion Balance Test and Vertical Jump."
April 2011
UWNMBL was awarded second place for their exhibit at the
Engineering Expo titled
"The Body Machine"
designed by
Jarred Kaiser and
Rachel Lenhart
April 2011
Laura Chernak and
Carrie Francis passed their BME
Ph.D. Qualifying Exams!
April 2011
Dan Volk was awarded a summer grant from
Queen's University in Vancouver, Canada for the NSERC-CREATE Training Program in Bone and Joint Health Technologies.
February 2011
Christa Wille presented her research at the
American Physical Therapy Combined Sections Meeting in New Orleans, LA.
The title of her presentation was
"Kinematic measures predict braking impulse and knee joint loading during running."
August 2010
Bryan Heiderscheit and collaborators Alison Brooks and John Beaulieu received a
National Institutes of Health grant.
The title of the grant is
"Increasing Physician Use of Exercise for Treating Osteoarthritis of the Knee."
August 2010
Josh Slane received the
Art in Science Award at the 2010 Emed Scientic Meeting held in Providence, RI for his research entitled
"Hypothenar Pressure Mapping Provides Insight for Reducing Ulnar Nerve Compression in Cyclists."
May 2010
Congratulations to May 2010 NMBL Graduates:
Chelsey Erickson (MS Mechanical Engineering),
Nathan Kleinhans (MS Biomedical Engineering), and
Amy Lenz (BS Biomedical Engineering).
May 2010
Darryl Thelen and collaborators Yasin Dhaher and Dan Negrut received
National Science Foundation grant.
The title of the grant is
"Multi-Domain Computational Framework for Simulating Musculoskeletal Systems."
May 2010
Amy Lenz successfully defended her
Honors Thesis in Biomedical Engineering.
The title of her thesis was
"Dynamic Hamstring Function during Gait."
May 2010
Anne Schmitz successfully passed her
PhD Preliminary Exam in Biomedical Engineering.
The title of her thesis proposal is
"Integrating Multibody Dynamics and Computational Modeling."
April 2010
Christa Wille received a
2010-2011 Wisconsin Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
The title of her research proposal is
"Can Step Rate Manipulation Reduce Knee Joint Loading in Runners with Anterior Knee Pain."
December 2009
Christopher Westphal successfully defended his MS Thesis entitled
"Load Dependent Variations in Knee Kinematics Measured with Dynamic MRI."
September 2009
Amy Silder received the
Outstanding Young Investigator Award
at the 2009 Multi-Scale Muscle Mechanics Workshop held in Woods Hole, MA.
August 2009
Kyle Gleason,
Amy Silder, and
Darryl Thelen won the first American Society of
Biomechanics 5K Lab Challenge held in conjunction with the 2009 ASB Meeting at Penn State University.
August 2009
Amy Silder received the
Young Scientist Pre-Doctoral Award
at the 2009 American Society of Biomechanics meeting held at Penn State University for her research entitled
"The Influence of Prior Hamstring Injury on Musculotendon Morphology and Muscle Contraction Mechanics."
August 2009
Amy Silder successfully defended her PhD Dissertation entitled
"Effects of Prior Hamstring Injury on Morphology, Mechanics and Function."
July 2009
Antonio Hernandez successfully defended his PhD Dissertation entitled
"In vivo Dynamic Function of Lower Extremity Human Biarticular Muscles as
Measured by Novel Electrical Stimulation Protocols Juxtaposed to Computational
Perturbation Studies."
May 2009
Elizabeth Chumanov was selected as the recipient of the
2009 ACSM BIG-AMTI Student Research Award,
which is to be presented to her by the Biomechanics Interest Group at the 2009 American College of Sports Medicine Meeting in Seattle, WA.
April 2009
Amy Lenz received the
Outstanding Undergraduate Research Poster Award
at the 2009 UW Department of Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Research Symposium. Her poster was entitled
"Improving the Understanding and Treatment of Walking Deficits Following Stroke."
April 2009
Elizabeth Chumanov successfully defended her PhD Dissertation entitled
"Dynamic Simulation of Musculotendon Mechanics during High Speed Running."
December 2008
Martin Schultze successfully defended his Master's Thesis entitled
"Central Pattern Generators as a Biologically Inspired Neural Control Mechanism for Bicycle Pedaling."
November 2008
Bryan Heiderscheit was named an
Associate Editor of the
Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
September 2008
Judy Dewane was awarded the UW Institute on Aging's
2008 Outstanding Young Investigator.
August 2008
Andrew Sterling successfully defended his Master's Thesis in Mechanical Engineering
"Cervical Spine Motion and the Biomechanical Influence of Vertebral Fusion
August 2008
Amy Silder,
Darryl Thelen,
Michael Tuite, and
Bryan Heiderscheit were awarded the
National Collegiate Athletic Association
Best Poster Award for Student-Athlete Wellbeing
for their research entitled
"Long-Term Morphological And Functional Changes Following An Acute Hamstring Strain Injury."
August 2008
Antonio Hernandez received the
President's Award for best poster
at the
North American Congress of Biomechanics Meeting for his research entitled
"Measurement Of Dynamic Muscle Function Via Electrical Stimulation Synchronized To The Gait Cycle."
August 2008
Darryl Thelen was elected
Program Chair for the 2010
American Society of Biomechanics Meeting.
July 2008
Amy Silder successfully passed her
PhD Preliminary Exam in Biomedical Engineering.
The title of her thesis proposal is "Injury-Related Changes in Musculotendon Morphology and Mechanics."
July 2008
Anne Schmitz was awarded a Pre-Doctoral Fellowship by the
UW Institute on Aging.
June 2008
Elizabeth Chumanov was awarded a Pre-Doctoral Fellowship by the AAUW Educational Foundation.
April 2008
Sally Bobula,
Judy Dewane, and
Bryan Heiderscheit were awarded
Best Research Poster at the Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association spring meeting
for their research entitled
"Variability of stride duration increases in older adults under dual-task conditions."
December 2007
UW NMBL was awarded a 2 year medical research grant by the
National Football League Charities for
their proposal entitled
"Rehabilitation of Acute Hamstring Strain Injuries: Effects of Treatment on Muscle Morphology, Running Mechanics and Reinjury Potential."
September 2007
Amy Silder was awarded the UW Institute on Aging's
2007 Outstanding Young Investigator.
September 2007
UW NMBL was awarded a 4 year grant by the
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) for
their R01 proposal entitled
Biocomputation of the Links Between Muscle Morphology, Coordination and Injury
This research is being performed in collaboration with the
Multiscale Muscle Mechanics Laboratory at the
University of Virginia and
Simbios, a National Center for Biocomputation at Stanford University.
September 2007
UW NMBL was awarded a 2 year grant by the
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) for
their phase II SBIR proposal entitled
"Internet Delivery of Animated Rehabilitation Exercises (IDARE)."
This research is being performed in collaboration with
Visual Health Information, Inc.
June 2007
Jackson Potter successfully defended his Master's Thesis in Biomedical Engineering entitled
Bicycle Seat Pressure Distribution During Seated Cycling, and the Effects of Gender, Power and Hand Position
May 2007
Christopher Westphal and
Eric Bader were awarded a Tong Follow-up Development Award by the
UW Department of Biomedical Engineering for their design project entitled
"A Device for Inducing Active Lengthening Muscle Contractions for Dynamic MR Imaging."
May 2007
Joe Farron successfully defended his Master's Thesis in Mechanical Engineering entitled
"Measurement of Tendon Strain During Muscle Twitch Contractions Using Ultrasound Elastography."
May 2007
Ben Whittington successfully defended his Master's Thesis in Mechanical Engineering entitled
"Utilization of Lower Extremity Stiffness During Human Walking."
May 2007
Bryan Heiderscheit was awarded the American Physical Therapy Association's
2007 Margaret L. Moore Award for Outstanding New Academic Faculty Member.
December 2006
David Remy successfully defended his Master's Thesis in Mechanical Engineering entitled
"Integration of an Adaptive Ground Contact Model Into the Dynamic Simulation of Gait."